Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Dollar Dance

Whether you had one of these at your wedding reception or not, I don't really care. There are many other blogs that will debate the etiquette and/or audacity of them.

I am here to discuss the post-nuptial dollar dance. The wedding is over and the honeymoon bliss is a fading memory. Two bank accounts have now become one. In this blog I will talk about the many different questions and issues that arise not only for new marriage relationships, but for anyone who wants to do it right.

It's time I put my finance major and love of this topic to use. As we go, please email me any questions you would like me to answer regarding banking, investing, credit, budgeting, and the like.

The purpose of this blog is to stop dancing around the subject of money and to start making educated decisions that will lead to a brighter, more financially independent future.

Let's go!


resl said...

I'm very excited you are doing this! hopefully my future husband will read your blog :D

Katy said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I look forward to reading your advice!